Growing up, we were semi sheltered kids. Most of my childhood I remember growing up on a farm and my sister was the only other kid around. We didn't get to stay overnights at friends often, and because we lived "so far" from anyone else, it was just me and her. Or my cousins. I come from a large family, in fact I'm one of 15 first cousins. A lot of my childhood was spent with them. And I don't regret it for a second. We still to this day spend hours, days and weeks together a year. In 2014 we actually have a family vacation at the beach. 38 of us in one house!
But anyway, back to my post. So I'd say I was naive, gullible and too trustworthy growing up! And this even lead into adult life. Still at 30, sometimes I catch myself and I am fooled! Why?? I didn't grow up in a negative life or raised to think that I have to always out do someone. Or to bully someone. Or to put myself on a pedestal over someone. I don't try to hold someone else accountable for my actions. I don't set out my day to hurt other people.
We have a lot of those types of people in today's society. People who get "high" on the demise of others. People that like to revile on others. People that can't take accountability for themselves.
I've always been a happy go lucky person, sure I've had my share of knock me downs, people who want me to fail, I've been to close to hell and back...... But I'm still on my 2 feet. I still choose to get up everyday and put a smile on my face. I still try to make every effort to bring happiness to everyone I know! And I know that( whatever your religious beliefs may be)God has my back!
~Don't worry, about a thing, because every little thing is gonna be alright~
Be happy!!!!
Flip flop on!!!
Go beachin' !!!
Love more, hate less!!!!
~Tabi 💜💝💝